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The Fresno Council of Governments (FCOG) is preparing an update of the Fresno County Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan. This plan seeks to identify practical strategies for improving day-to-day transportation for all persons throughout Fresno County, with a focus on providing access to healthcare, education, training, and employment opportunities as well as social services for seniors, persons with disabilities, low-income individuals, veterans, unhoused persons, and area youth. Historically these demographic groups have fewer options and must rely on public transportation services, social services, community organizations, family, or friends. 

This plan is updated approximately every five years seeking to identify practical, sustainable, and cost-effective strategies for improving bus transportation throughout Fresno County. Past recommendations included the following:

  • Extended public transit service hours
  • Improved schedule coordination
  • Connectivity among the public transportation services operating in Fresno County
  • Update the CTSA designations to serve more social service agencies
  • Volunteer driver and mileage reimbursement programs
  • Funding for transportation vehicles for social and community service organizations.  

This project webpage will be updated regularly throughout the project term.  Check back often to follow the project’s progress, learn about public participation opportunities, and to share your ideas for improving public transportation throughout the whole Fresno County region.

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